Sunday, November 15, 2009

Great weekend 11-14&15-09

From my forum post - Saltbox Village 50 mile ride.

Truly a great ride, Turtle and I had a good time. The weather started out with the roads wet but not raining and about mid ride it turned beautiful. I was so nice to see the Sun. We had eight cyclist six of us did the 50. I just really enjoyed this ride we had a great group of folk to ride with today.

My GPS data is HERE

My Pictures are HERE

I really enjoy riding. I seem to prefer riding with groups of other riders but I do ride alone some it is just fun to ride with other cyclist.

Sunday - Dad and I went to the Benson JARS Hamfest - it was a real nice Hamfest we both had a real good time - I really enjoyed being there with Dad.
At the Saturday I had stated that I was going to the Hamfest with Dad and so I was not going to the Sunday Team CBC ride. Bryan and Peggy were not riding Sunday morning and suggested we might get together for a ride from Garner. So the Garner chapter of Slow Spokes had its inaugural ride. We dicided to meet at the Lowes food store at the corner of Timmber Dr and Aversboro. I got there a few minutes late Peggy and Brayn were there. We talked about where to go and since Brtan had do some riding in the area he became ride leader. All of us rode to Lows from our homes so our milages will be different.. We rode to a store at route 50 on a route that Bryan knew. Took a break then turned around and rode the same route back. The wether was great and everyone said they had a great ride. When almost back we found the the new park in Garner White Oak was open so we took a short tour. The park looked nice. After we got back to the shopping center we had dinner together. It was just such a great ride. I rode Peggy home - she did not need me to but it was dark and she is new to the area and it helped me feel better know she was home safe.
BUT - there had to be a but - after I left Peggy when trying to get started after a stop I was on a incline and believe it or not bent my chain ring and possible damaged my High Speed Drive - I am really upset about this and real worried about how long my trike might be out of commission. I know my legs are very strong but to bend a steel 34 tooth chain ring - I guess i figured I would break the chain first but I have done that to.

My GPS data is here

My pictures are here

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