Rides 8
Time 16:34:45
Distance 258.51 miles
Elevation Gained 15047 feet
Elevation Lost 15081 feet
Avg Speed 15.58 mph
Max speed 30.54 mph
Burned 34558 calories
Pounds of fat if all the calories came from stored fat 9.87 lb.
This is about my experiences while cycling, losing weight, getting fit - healthy and other events in my life. I am a 59 year old single male cyclist, runner, ham-radioer, photographer, gamer, golfer, astronomer, tango student, artist, nerd in search of the perfect ride and run.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Salt Box Village 31 mile route - Leading from behind
My pre-ride posts -
I plan on doing the 31 mile route 2 my pace will be 14 - 16 mph - Anyone is welcome to join me, if we get a group we will not have a sweep rider but will wait at major turns to regroup, if we get a large group we may break in to a fast and faster group assuming we have someone to lead the second group - leading to me just means you are responsible to make sure everyone in your group stays together(waiting at turns) and gets back safely.
We can ride the route forward or backward - up to the group. At present I plan to ride it forward but will do either.
Lets meet at 8:30 AM and plan to start the ride at 9:00 AM.
File Type: pdf TSC Route 2 31 miles.pdf
File Type: xls TSC Route 2 31 miles.xls
My post ride comments -
Nice ride, nice day and nice people. We had 8 total riders. The weather was fine - we got a tiny bit of rain at the start and during the early ride but did not really get wet - most of the ride was just wonderful weather wise with it getting a bit warm toward the but it was not bad. We varied the route a bit to to use some roads that some of the riders felt were better than the planned route. And we got lost a bit because Yates Store road does not meet Green Level road like the route say - one now has to turn onto Weldon Blvd or something like that to get to Yates Store road. It was a lot of fun anyway. Due to the route changes and getting lost we I did 36.4 miles and averaged 13 mph.
My GPS date is here
My pictures are here
My weight today is 364.4 pounds
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friendly Kenly Revised route
My post ride comments -
Real real nice ride today Cyclepath folks - thank you - another nice ride. Great people, great weather, good roads, pretty area and I was feeling good today on the trike. The trike seemed to be preforming better today - I have been having some stability problems above 27.7 mph and today I had it over 28 mph a number of times and it felt solid. I have been working on it, I have made number of adjustments maybe I got it, I am waiting until I can take it over 35+ mph and not have trouble before I will be satisfied. I only got up to 29.6mph today.
I feel a nap attack coming on - later.
My GPS data here.
My pictures are here.
Looking forward to doing it again on the 6th.
My weight today is 362.6 pounds
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Slow Spokes Thursday night ride
My post ride comments -
We had another great ride tonight - weather turned out to be fine but I understand any who skipped due to it. Pugslyyy(John) lead the faster group and Wayne I think lead the quick group. I guess we had about 18 do the ride including two first time with this group riders. Welcome again by the way. Several regulars missing hope to see y'all this weekend or next week.
I am riding with Cyclepaths Saturday and leading 32-34 mile ride at 13 to 16 mph pace, no drop ride(meaning we will wait at major turn for the group to get back together) this Sunday from Salt Box Village departing at 9:00 AM if anyone wants to join us.
My GPS data here
My pictures are here
My weight today is 362.6 pounds
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Slow Spokes Ride from Harris Visitors Center
My post ride comments -
Had a great ride, got to the start late - started the 8:40 - because I was not with the group I put the hammer down - to my surprise I caught the group at a rest stop at about mile 25 - at that point I was averaging 16.6 - I slowed to ride with the group but still averaged 15.5. It was a good day, got rained on twice but not too bad. There were some new roads for me today - nice.
My weight today is 363.8 pounds
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Slow Spokes Thursday night
My post ride comments -
I had a real good ride - rode with the fast group - it was a lot of fun. The weather was beautiful. I bonked on the way out at the hills but ate and recovered - it happens. It is a bit of a challenge to eat enough to ride and eat less to lose weight. My GPS data may look a bit funny I stopped for a short period on the way back. Hope everyone has a great weekend - see y'all on the road. 
My weight is 362.2 pounds
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Bike with the Band
Here are my post ride comments -
Another great ride - I also thought it was a very well done ride. It has been a long time since I finished a ride and had one of those running the ride bring me a cold wet wipe at the end of the ride. Very nice. I ended up doing 32.7 miles - At one intersection where I was suppose to go straight I turned - the GPS got me back on course and I only added a mile or two. I did get rained on but it was not too bad and it was dry when I finished. The food at the end and the one rest stop I hit was good and there was lot of it available.
GPS data
My pictures
My weight today is 364.0 pounds
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
This was my preride post -
The trike is back on the rode - I had two good rides this weekend.I plan to ride this Thursday.
And my post ride post -
Had a great ride - I understand why some may have not come worried about the weather but it turned out fine. We had a small group but still a good ride - my thanks to the leaders.
Ouch! Toward the end of the ride at almost the top of a hill I came unclipped on my left side. I was really pushing and my foot hit the ground, hard then bounced up and hit my front wheel. Guess this is one disadvantage of being so close to the ground - lol. It did not hurt much and I was able to easily finish the ride, however when I got home and stepped out of the van my foot hurt, a lot. I can not find anything wrong with it it just hurts. Hopefully it will heal quickly.
Ricks reply to my post -
I am not sure that not being close to the ground is any better. Last year, I pulled out of the pedal while trying to accelerate to make a left turn across traffic. I ended up slicing my ankle on the front derailleur. That healed quickly, but it took several trips to the shop to get the front derailleur to work adequately. Besides hitting the derailleur, I hit the chain ring hard enough to warp it.At the time, I thought the injury to the ankle was the worst part. In retrospect, that was nothing. The ankle healed quickly, but I need to replace my chain ring before the bike will be back to 100%.
My reply to Rick -
Wow Rick that does sound worst to me - my foot is still real sore this morning but it is not worse just not better and I find after I walk on it a while 50 steps or so the pain subsides a lot but hurt again later after I have not been walking and start again. I got to thinking about it last night (not always a good thing to do - lol) when my heel bounced off my left front wheel if I had hit the wheel a bit lower it might have trapped my foot under it and I could have rolled over my own foot - that thought was not pleasant - I do need to be more careful about this.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Team CBC 42 miles route almost
What a great ride and good time after the ride - was a real pleasure - thanks Team CBC.
I had planned on doing the 42 mile but do to an error several of us ended up doing the 26 miles - oh well now I have done the 26 so next time it will be the 42.
On the Thursday night ride before this ride Pugslyyy had notices and pointed out to me that one of my front wheels had a wobble to it - he asked how it was after I had repaired it - this was my reply -
Yea Puggs the wheel seems to be running true. Thanks for pointing it out to me - I did notice the I can already see some wear on these tires - only 700 miles on them but they are carrying me - guess I will be replacing them about mid Summer. I am planning to ride SS Thurs, Bike with the Band Sat. and Team CBC Sun - hope to see you at some of them.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Selma Cyclepaths - Bluegrass Reunion route
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Slow Spokes Thursday night
Could not make this ride -
Not going to make it Tonight - trike still in PIECES - but I did find my TRUING STAND and I have gotten the WHEEL TRUED - the spoke they made for me is a little long and sticks through the top of the nipple so I have to get it cut off before I reassemble the wheel and the trike.I hope you all have a great ride - I hope to be back on the road Saturday if not sooner.
My weight is 367.8 pounds
Not going to make it Tonight - trike still in PIECES - but I did find my TRUING STAND and I have gotten the WHEEL TRUED - the spoke they made for me is a little long and sticks through the top of the nipple so I have to get it cut off before I reassemble the wheel and the trike.I hope you all have a great ride - I hope to be back on the road Saturday if not sooner.
My weight is 367.8 pounds
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Raven Rock Ramble
I know I registered for this ride and I know I did not do it but I do not remember why - may have been when I had a broken spoke -
Just found out about this ride from this post today - I have registered - the website say there were only 128 slots left on April 5th so now there are only 127 and a bit less I am sure. I just read the whole website and it sounds like a great event. The route sounds hillier than what I have done so far but I still want to try the 43 miles route. I did fine up to about mile 46 on the 50 miles MS Spring Fling - hopefully I will also be in a bit better condition. Looking forward to the ride - thanks to whoever put up the thread.
My weight today is 366.8 pounds.
Just found out about this ride from this post today - I have registered - the website say there were only 128 slots left on April 5th so now there are only 127 and a bit less I am sure. I just read the whole website and it sounds like a great event. The route sounds hillier than what I have done so far but I still want to try the 43 miles route. I did fine up to about mile 46 on the 50 miles MS Spring Fling - hopefully I will also be in a bit better condition. Looking forward to the ride - thanks to whoever put up the thread.
My weight today is 366.8 pounds.
Friday, May 1, 2009
I will do anything but not ride!!!
OK now I remember why I did not comment about the ride of 4-30-09 - I had gotten the email the following comment was about -
I did not have a good ride tonight, it was my own fault, there was nothing wrong with the ride, the people on the ride or even the weather it was great. First let me say this first since I have started riding again everyone I have met has been really great and I appreciate everyone except one. Last Monday night I got a personal email from someone who's email address was ralncriders@gmail.com - they did not sign the email and when I replied to the email I got a 'no address found' error so the account no longer exists. The email was long and said things like I should not be annoying the real cyclists trying to ride the toy tricycle and getting in way of real cyclists. To who every wrote me I am sorry you feel this way but I have no intention of not riding. I did not have a good ride tonight because I let this effect me, my fault, I will not do that again. I will do whatever I can to not have a negative effect on anyone else's ride but stop riding. I have found out that DF riders cannot draft behind me because I am so low to the ground. If I am riding with a group I will usually be at the back of any group because of the drafting thing. If while riding you come up from behind and want to join the group just pull to my left side and I will make a space for you - no problem. If you just do not like recumbents or trikes well I am sorry but theses are what I ride and I am not going to stop riding.
Though I was not seeking them I got a lot of email replies saying that they had no problem riding in the groups with me and my trike and that I was welcome - I can to express how much that helped. My comments to part of the support messages -
I want to thank everyone for their comments and support. I had not expected all the support comment I just wanted to state the only way I knew how that I am not going to stop riding.Sorry I missed the rides Saturday and Sunday. I really wanted to do the Raven Rock Ride - I hope it was good. I was home sick all weekend and Monday - back to work half day Tuesday. Not sure if I will try to ride Thursday - also the trike is sick - the wheel that Pugslyyy pointed out Thursday evening that was wobbling had a broken spoke I found out - I had to have a spoke made for it - 20" wheels - short spokes - Thanks to the guys at FlyCycling. I still have to true the wheel then reassemble the trike - will have to see hope much I get done after dinner tonight.
Once again I want to thank everyone for their support.
I did not have a good ride tonight, it was my own fault, there was nothing wrong with the ride, the people on the ride or even the weather it was great. First let me say this first since I have started riding again everyone I have met has been really great and I appreciate everyone except one. Last Monday night I got a personal email from someone who's email address was ralncriders@gmail.com - they did not sign the email and when I replied to the email I got a 'no address found' error so the account no longer exists. The email was long and said things like I should not be annoying the real cyclists trying to ride the toy tricycle and getting in way of real cyclists. To who every wrote me I am sorry you feel this way but I have no intention of not riding. I did not have a good ride tonight because I let this effect me, my fault, I will not do that again. I will do whatever I can to not have a negative effect on anyone else's ride but stop riding. I have found out that DF riders cannot draft behind me because I am so low to the ground. If I am riding with a group I will usually be at the back of any group because of the drafting thing. If while riding you come up from behind and want to join the group just pull to my left side and I will make a space for you - no problem. If you just do not like recumbents or trikes well I am sorry but theses are what I ride and I am not going to stop riding.
Though I was not seeking them I got a lot of email replies saying that they had no problem riding in the groups with me and my trike and that I was welcome - I can to express how much that helped. My comments to part of the support messages -
I want to thank everyone for their comments and support. I had not expected all the support comment I just wanted to state the only way I knew how that I am not going to stop riding.Sorry I missed the rides Saturday and Sunday. I really wanted to do the Raven Rock Ride - I hope it was good. I was home sick all weekend and Monday - back to work half day Tuesday. Not sure if I will try to ride Thursday - also the trike is sick - the wheel that Pugslyyy pointed out Thursday evening that was wobbling had a broken spoke I found out - I had to have a spoke made for it - 20" wheels - short spokes - Thanks to the guys at FlyCycling. I still have to true the wheel then reassemble the trike - will have to see hope much I get done after dinner tonight.
Once again I want to thank everyone for their support.
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