I was not able to ride until August 7th but here is what I did in August.
Rides 11
Time 22:41:59
Distance 284.00 miles
Elevation Gained 25145 feet
Elevation Lost 25090 feet
Avg Speed 12.16 mph
Max speed 31.81 mph
Burned 41600 calories
Pounds of fat if all the calories came from stored fat 11.89 lb.
This is about my experiences while cycling, losing weight, getting fit - healthy and other events in my life. I am a 59 year old single male cyclist, runner, ham-radioer, photographer, gamer, golfer, astronomer, tango student, artist, nerd in search of the perfect ride and run.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Team CBC 42 mile ride

From my forum post -
I had a good ride - did the 42. I got started at 10:15 so I missed the group start. No problem but I rode most of the ride alone so I did not get many pictures. I did get a few and took a bunch at the really nice after ride gathering. It was a good time.
My GPS data is HERE
My pictures are HERE
Well the folks with Team CBC went out of their way to get me XXXXL team jerseys but they are still too small - I bought them and plan to keep them just does not seem right to ask them to take them back when they got them for me special - besides the part that does not fix it my belly and when I lose more weight they may be wearable. I am just so bummed that I will not have them to wear during the Tour - want to be a part of the Team, show my colors! I really do not understand how the manufacture can call those 4XL they are smaller, a lot smaller thant the 3XL shirts I wear every day. Sometimes it suck to be ME! I tried putting the faring on the trike and it is not tall enough - when peddeling my knees hit it. Will call TerraTrike and see what they say.
I had a good ride - did the 42. I got started at 10:15 so I missed the group start. No problem but I rode most of the ride alone so I did not get many pictures. I did get a few and took a bunch at the really nice after ride gathering. It was a good time.
My GPS data is HERE
My pictures are HERE
Well the folks with Team CBC went out of their way to get me XXXXL team jerseys but they are still too small - I bought them and plan to keep them just does not seem right to ask them to take them back when they got them for me special - besides the part that does not fix it my belly and when I lose more weight they may be wearable. I am just so bummed that I will not have them to wear during the Tour - want to be a part of the Team, show my colors! I really do not understand how the manufacture can call those 4XL they are smaller, a lot smaller thant the 3XL shirts I wear every day. Sometimes it suck to be ME! I tried putting the faring on the trike and it is not tall enough - when peddeling my knees hit it. Will call TerraTrike and see what they say.
Saturday, August 29, 2009

From my forum posts -
Selma Cyclepaths - Great ride - both rest stops were great but the first one was so nice. I really like the route - good distance and a few nice climbs.
I took a lot of pictures - tried to get a shot of everyone that pasted me and that I passed.
Great ride - THANKS
My GPS data is HERE
My pictures are HERE
The trike preformed very well. I am planning to put the faring on the trke so I can see how I like it.
Selma Cyclepaths - Great ride - both rest stops were great but the first one was so nice. I really like the route - good distance and a few nice climbs.
I took a lot of pictures - tried to get a shot of everyone that pasted me and that I passed.
Great ride - THANKS
My GPS data is HERE
My pictures are HERE
The trike preformed very well. I am planning to put the faring on the trke so I can see how I like it.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
A nice ride
From my forum post -
I real nice ride, I had a very good ride. It was quick but fun. I felt very good and enjoyed the evening. Some of us went out to eat and that was fun also.
My GPS data is HERE
My pictures are HERE
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Shearon Harris - 40 miles NCBC Summer Rally route

From my forum post -
What a great ride for me - 18.1 average a new personal best for rides over 12 miles. My GPS data says 14 something but the GPS was not auto pausing as it was suppose to - you can see the gaps where we stop and it keep running. I really did not feel like getting out of bed this morning either but I am glad I did. I rode 40 miles Saturday at Greenfield and was wondering how I would do - well for me I did amazing - I never completely lost the group but was off the back some - I caught the group on the flats several time after dropping off the back on climbs - the new gearing on the trike works - I kept trying to ride with the group thinking at some point I would fade but every-time I asked my legs to do something they just did - I was feeling well and riding fine.
My pictures are HERE
Well I figured out the problem with the GPS and have it set to Auto-Pause again so hopefully I will not have this problem with the GPS data being messed up by rest stops. I do not usually stop twice with this distance ride - maybe I should - I rode so well maybe the short stops and time off the trike helped more than I know - whatever the reason I was riding very well - if this keeps up the MS Tours should be a lot of fun - I am sure it will be fun but I was a little worried about the distance due to the time I missed training.
Man I took a lot of pictures on this ride - guess I was just enjoying being with or almost with the group for so much of the ride.
The trike was proforming well this weekend - I need to get the HT mount made and tested this week also need to find and check my tent so I can have it ready to give to Tim this Sunday.
Changing my food plan this week - I have not been losing weight lately - I am confortable with the amount of food I am eating now but my weight my have dropped to the point that I am eating too much to lose weight so I will make a small change a see if that helps.
My weight today 355.0 pounds
What a great ride for me - 18.1 average a new personal best for rides over 12 miles. My GPS data says 14 something but the GPS was not auto pausing as it was suppose to - you can see the gaps where we stop and it keep running. I really did not feel like getting out of bed this morning either but I am glad I did. I rode 40 miles Saturday at Greenfield and was wondering how I would do - well for me I did amazing - I never completely lost the group but was off the back some - I caught the group on the flats several time after dropping off the back on climbs - the new gearing on the trike works - I kept trying to ride with the group thinking at some point I would fade but every-time I asked my legs to do something they just did - I was feeling well and riding fine.
My pictures are HERE
Well I figured out the problem with the GPS and have it set to Auto-Pause again so hopefully I will not have this problem with the GPS data being messed up by rest stops. I do not usually stop twice with this distance ride - maybe I should - I rode so well maybe the short stops and time off the trike helped more than I know - whatever the reason I was riding very well - if this keeps up the MS Tours should be a lot of fun - I am sure it will be fun but I was a little worried about the distance due to the time I missed training.
Man I took a lot of pictures on this ride - guess I was just enjoying being with or almost with the group for so much of the ride.
The trike was proforming well this weekend - I need to get the HT mount made and tested this week also need to find and check my tent so I can have it ready to give to Tim this Sunday.
Changing my food plan this week - I have not been losing weight lately - I am confortable with the amount of food I am eating now but my weight my have dropped to the point that I am eating too much to lose weight so I will make a small change a see if that helps.
My weight today 355.0 pounds
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Greenfield 40

I repaired the trike last night and did not want to make a long trip out of town until I fely it was OK. So I went to Greenfield and rode 40 miles. Trike preformed well. I hada good ride. I almost got dround - man did it rain. That is the good news.
The bad news is I found out the someone I have know for a long time and thought was a friend is not - ashamed. Guess it is better to know.
After the ride I decided I had to replace my two front tires - I only had one new tire but do have one used but useable tire it is better than what I took off - see picture - I have three new tires on order and should get them monday.
My GPS Data is HERE
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Greenfield trainning ride
From my forum post of my ride -
OK - had a nice little ride - finally did three loops - did over 18 miles - it is a really great place for this sort of ride it is even mostly lighted.
My GPS data is HERE
Well I really enjoyed my ride - it was real nice to have my Bionx working again - I guess I am addicted to it or at least I am addicted to speed or riding fast at least. It lets me ride a lot faster and farther than I am otherwise able - I hope some day when I am fitter or lighter to ride fast and far without it.
OK - had a nice little ride - finally did three loops - did over 18 miles - it is a really great place for this sort of ride it is even mostly lighted.
My GPS data is HERE
Well I really enjoyed my ride - it was real nice to have my Bionx working again - I guess I am addicted to it or at least I am addicted to speed or riding fast at least. It lets me ride a lot faster and farther than I am otherwise able - I hope some day when I am fitter or lighter to ride fast and far without it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
UPS finally delivered - only 48 hours late
My wheel was delivered at 11:47 this morning - I had to take off work to go home so it would not sit by my front door all day. Well at least it does seem to be working - took me about an hour to get a new tire on it, put the freewheel back on the get it mounted on the trike - used my Bionx tool for the first time - if I had not gotten it I would have been stuck because the tab was not in the right place for my trike. Rode just around the neighborhood - only rode 5 miles - got chased in by the rain. The wheel and the whole Bionx system seemed to be functioning correctly. I may try to ride it some more later and also want to try to ride the Brick Tuesday if they have one - I am not sure where it is now.
UPS called and their excuse was that in New Jersey the Saturday delivery sticker was missed and it got sorted into the packages for Monday delivery. They said it was human error and that they were sorry. I have problems with this for several reasons but I am sure that is all they will say. My problems are these: According to the scans on their website the package never went to New Jersey - it went from Canada to New York NY, Raieigh so how did it get miss sorted in New Jersey also from my limited knowedge or their system they bar code everything and the bar code has the package number on it and each time it is scanned a computer tracks where it is and knows where it is going and when it is due to be delivered - once again according to their website it was on time, in transit and due to be delivered on Saturday. Sounds funny to me.
UPS called and their excuse was that in New Jersey the Saturday delivery sticker was missed and it got sorted into the packages for Monday delivery. They said it was human error and that they were sorry. I have problems with this for several reasons but I am sure that is all they will say. My problems are these: According to the scans on their website the package never went to New Jersey - it went from Canada to New York NY, Raieigh so how did it get miss sorted in New Jersey also from my limited knowedge or their system they bar code everything and the bar code has the package number on it and each time it is scanned a computer tracks where it is and knows where it is going and when it is due to be delivered - once again according to their website it was on time, in transit and due to be delivered on Saturday. Sounds funny to me.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Greenfield Again
I went to Greenfield Pkw today to ride - there is nothing wrong with ridiing there in fact it is a real nice place to ride - it has almost no traffic at lease when I am there, it is close to home and it is a lot better workout than I thought it might be. Over the six mile route one climbs over 650 feet in elevation, there are 3 significant climbs one 5% , an other of 7% and the third which is mostly 8% but does briefly hit 9%. The only reasion I was a bit down on riding GF was that I was looking forward to riding with Team CBC but with out my Bionx I am just ont comfortable trying to ride that far. I did two loops and would have done one more maybe two but I noticed that my cycling sandal was getting caught on my crank shifter button occasionally and was tearing. So I stopped and went home I will try epoxying it Monday - my epoxy is at work.
GPS data from my ride here
Saturday, August 15, 2009
UPS Useless Poor Slackers
NYCEWheels - agreed to split the cost of ship my wheel to me UPS Second Day Air for a Saturday delivery to my home. So I got up before 8AM opened my front door so there would be no confusion about if someone was home and waited. At about 10:30 AM I called Useless Poor Slackers and asked about my delivery because I was told I would get it by 10:30 AM and I was told that no they did not garunity when it would be delivered but that it was out on a truck and would be delivered, At 12:30 and 2:30 PM I called again and was told the same thing. At 4:30 I called and the young lady told me HO well it should have been delivered by now let me see if I can get a estimated time of delivery - a long time later she came back and told me that she did not know why my package was not delivered but that the depo was closed and I could expect my package on Monday - she said all this like I should joyful that I would get it Monday. Needless to say I was very very angry and I told her so - when she would not give me any more information I went through two level of supervisors but noe one would help me - one one seemed to care about the fact that I had waited all day and that they had ruined my day and weekend.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Good news
My wheel which has been broken and sent back for repair is suppose to be delivered to my home Saturday morning. I am tracking it and it is in transit. So I am really hopping to be able to ride this weekend.
Monday, August 10, 2009
First Friday ride
This did not turn out to be a very good ride for me - most of it was OK but not special but it ended poorly for me. I was having trouble keeping up with the group I was with and got separated at a traffic light. I tried to caught up to them but they disappeared and even after looking for them for 45 minutes I could not find them - I do not understand why they would drop me like that when I had told them I was having trouble keeping up and did not know where the stop after Art Space was. My fault I guess - guess I should not go on ride where I can not keep up. I hate being old and fat and slow! I let it mess up my whole weekend - I knew I could not ride any of the group rides but I had plan to do something solo but could not get myself out of the house.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Greenfield Parkway
Rode again last night - went to the Greenfield Parkway in Garner and rode with Winnie. We had a nice ride but I was so slow she was having to wait for me - she was very nice about it but is always brothers me when people wait - I always feel like I am interfering with their ride.
I only rode 7.9 miles Winnie rode 12 plus, my avg was 9.6 her was 10 something. When I turned to cut the second loop short I ran head first into the rain shower we had been playing cat and mouse with all evening, I got soaked, it is not a problem it was just interesting by Winnie doing the complete both loops she missed most of the rain and when I left to drive back home in Garner within .25 miles the road was completely dry. LOL
This is a nice place for trainning rides - the loop is a bit over 6 miles and even though I thought it was flat it is not there are three short but pretty steep climb between 5 and 7% and some roller - this also means there are some nice descents. There were at least half a dozen other cyclist out there and Winnie say sometimes there are a lot more. I plan to ride here more especially while I am trying to recover stamina and legs.
My Weight was 354.2 today
I only rode 7.9 miles Winnie rode 12 plus, my avg was 9.6 her was 10 something. When I turned to cut the second loop short I ran head first into the rain shower we had been playing cat and mouse with all evening, I got soaked, it is not a problem it was just interesting by Winnie doing the complete both loops she missed most of the rain and when I left to drive back home in Garner within .25 miles the road was completely dry. LOL
This is a nice place for trainning rides - the loop is a bit over 6 miles and even though I thought it was flat it is not there are three short but pretty steep climb between 5 and 7% and some roller - this also means there are some nice descents. There were at least half a dozen other cyclist out there and Winnie say sometimes there are a lot more. I plan to ride here more especially while I am trying to recover stamina and legs.
My Weight was 354.2 today
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Turtle rides again and again
Posted this on the forun today -
Just to let those of you who have been asking. I am doing better. I still have a ways to go but it is nice to be better.
I did a short ride today - I still have a ways to go.
I will put more about the ride in my Blog.
Well I found my self back at the ATT today. It took every bit of will I could muster to get myself out of the house today but I did.. I was not feeling great but a lot better than I have been feeling.
When I first started to ride again I would go to the ATT because the trail was mostly flat and easy to ride . . .
Really tired - more later,
OK awake again but I still feel very wore out - I thought I would feel better after sleeping - I do not feel sick just wore out.
The ride was good but I had a good bit of trouble for about the first two miles but I felt better after that, It was hot but only 91 to 94 for the ride. Hot but not to bad for one - one good thing about grow up it south Louisiana. I stopped at the north end of the trail and drank and ate a South Beach bar. I then rode around the pedestrian mall there to see it and cool off a bit. I then returned to the southern end of the trail.
LOL - fell asleep while writing here last night - feeling much better this morning
I did not get any GPS data from my ride because I found out that if you do not charge you GPS even if you do not use it the battery goes down at least mine did. I also did not take any pictures - I have lots of pictures of the trail and there was nothing that was interesting.
From my cycling computer I know that I rode 13.45 miles @ 9.00 mph average and the ride lasted 1:41:50. Avg cad 46 max 87, I climbed 409 feet during 3.78 miles of the ride with an avg grade during the climbs of 2% and a max grade of 6%. The trail was i good shape and there were a few other people using the trail but not many guess it was too hot for some folks.
Just to let those of you who have been asking. I am doing better. I still have a ways to go but it is nice to be better.
I did a short ride today - I still have a ways to go.
I will put more about the ride in my Blog.
Well I found my self back at the ATT today. It took every bit of will I could muster to get myself out of the house today but I did.. I was not feeling great but a lot better than I have been feeling.
When I first started to ride again I would go to the ATT because the trail was mostly flat and easy to ride . . .
Really tired - more later,
OK awake again but I still feel very wore out - I thought I would feel better after sleeping - I do not feel sick just wore out.
The ride was good but I had a good bit of trouble for about the first two miles but I felt better after that, It was hot but only 91 to 94 for the ride. Hot but not to bad for one - one good thing about grow up it south Louisiana. I stopped at the north end of the trail and drank and ate a South Beach bar. I then rode around the pedestrian mall there to see it and cool off a bit. I then returned to the southern end of the trail.
LOL - fell asleep while writing here last night - feeling much better this morning
I did not get any GPS data from my ride because I found out that if you do not charge you GPS even if you do not use it the battery goes down at least mine did. I also did not take any pictures - I have lots of pictures of the trail and there was nothing that was interesting.
From my cycling computer I know that I rode 13.45 miles @ 9.00 mph average and the ride lasted 1:41:50. Avg cad 46 max 87, I climbed 409 feet during 3.78 miles of the ride with an avg grade during the climbs of 2% and a max grade of 6%. The trail was i good shape and there were a few other people using the trail but not many guess it was too hot for some folks.
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