My pre-ride posts -
I plan on doing the 31 mile route 2 my pace will be 14 - 16 mph - Anyone is welcome to join me, if we get a group we will not have a sweep rider but will wait at major turns to regroup, if we get a large group we may break in to a fast and faster group assuming we have someone to lead the second group - leading to me just means you are responsible to make sure everyone in your group stays together(waiting at turns) and gets back safely.
We can ride the route forward or backward - up to the group. At present I plan to ride it forward but will do either.
Lets meet at 8:30 AM and plan to start the ride at 9:00 AM.
File Type: pdf TSC Route 2 31 miles.pdf
File Type: xls TSC Route 2 31 miles.xls
My post ride comments -
Nice ride, nice day and nice people. We had 8 total riders. The weather was fine - we got a tiny bit of rain at the start and during the early ride but did not really get wet - most of the ride was just wonderful weather wise with it getting a bit warm toward the but it was not bad. We varied the route a bit to to use some roads that some of the riders felt were better than the planned route. And we got lost a bit because Yates Store road does not meet Green Level road like the route say - one now has to turn onto Weldon Blvd or something like that to get to Yates Store road. It was a lot of fun anyway. Due to the route changes and getting lost we I did 36.4 miles and averaged 13 mph.
My GPS date is here
My pictures are here
My weight today is 364.4 pounds
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