Good race - WOW PR! - this was a good run but really poor weather - it was cool almost cold at the start - 61.7 degrees - the bad part was the fog or mist - it was thick - only after running a half a mile I was completely soaked - it did actually rain some but when it was not raining there was always the mist - I never saw the temperature above 65 degrees - I did not know that over 11 miles of this run was on a dirt road - this was a new thing for me the road was not bad but due to the wet it was mostly impossible to run the tangents - my race was 13.5 miles and I still PRed - the course was beautiful - I would really like do it again on a pretty day - I had to run in the rocker parts on the 'road' a lot to be safe this really did a number on my feet - I was not expecting to be running on this sort of surface - I did something else today - I ran the whole race - no walk breaks - I know it is contrary to the Galloway method but I always run about the first three miles and today I was at four before I realized it so I decided to go for six and once I got to eight I just wanted to try the whole thirteen - I had not planned on this but I did kind of wonder if I could do it - I know a lot of it was down hill but is is still over three hours on my feet - some of the down hills were very steep and I had to slow down a lot on them most were fine and there were two uphills on the road part and about six uphill run on the 'trail' one was for over a half a mile - I am feeling very well after the run - I will just have to wait and see how I feel Sunday and Monday -
Time: | 03:28:46 |
Distance: | 13.52 mi |
Elevation Gain: | 512 ft |
Calories: | 2,681 C |
Avg Temperature: | 63.3 °F |
The Scream Half Marathon
My pictures are HERE - mostly of the route - I was quickly too far behind the group to get any other runner after the first mile.
Ashby, fellow Half Fanatic! Congrats on the PR! I was at the Scream too. No PR for me--was enjoying the run too much to push it. Plus, running the tangents was not possible for me either. Found it too much work to climb over the hump of the road to run the other tangent, so I just rode the middle all the way down.
When's your next half? I'll be at the Battle of the Triad in Kernersville at the end of August. Hoping for cool weather again, but not holding my breath!
Congrats, Ashby! Running the whole way is quite an accomplishment! Now you know you can do it.
Enjoyed the pictures as well.
Well done.
Good job on the half marathon, the race recap, and the photos! I've often wanted to take some pics along the way in a race but don't want to slow down that much. You managed to take pictures and get a PR... that's great! I remember seeing you before the race. I was a little disappointed by the weather but I guess it made for faster running. I'm definitely still sore from all of that downhill.
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