Got to Greenfield at about 5:25 PM. Peggy and Bryan were waiting for me but they said they had just arrived, the traffic held me up some. We had a real nice ride - I really love riding with those two and really appreciate when they come to ride with me. I know the time we ride together is pretty slow for them but it helps me a lot not to ride alone all the time. We did about 9 miles together 1.5 loops then they brook off to ride home. The said the got 15 miles in coming over and I believe they go back a more direct route but I am not sure what they whole ride comes to. I completed the second loop then a third and another half after that giving me 20.65 miles at 10.10 average mph and a real nice ride. I believe I will do OK riding with Slow Spokes Thursday and just have to ride my best, try to keep up and if I cannot then just do what I can - I know the roue and can get home. I am not sure how many if any know how slow I am not but they will find out sometime why not now.
The repaired seat felt great. Much better than the Chrom-molly. I am also happy with the new GPS and cycling computer mounts. I need to adjust it a bit so the faring will fold back with hitting them but otherwise they are great.
My GPS did something funny. It recorded the starting place then did not record anything until I realized it was not tracking and pressed the Start again. I will have to watch it and make sure there is nothing amiss with this refurbished replacement unit. I will post the data anyway so you can see what I mean.
I had a new low weight this morning. 335.8 pounds that is 74.2 pounds lost. Some may be due to my being sick for three days but hopefully I will get to keep some of it.
My GPS data is HERE
My weight was 335.2 pound today.
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