I had a good ride but maybe riding a metric the day after I ran 10 miles was a bit to much. Moving the right cleat seemed to help but I did still have some trouble with that side calf. I also believe that the other problems I have been having with the right leg was due to the front most seat strap being too tight thus cutting off circulation or doing something to the nerves - loosening it helped. Not sure I am riding Monday my legs are very tired and I do want to run Monday night.
OK well I decided not to ride Monday morning with Team CBC because my legs were still tire Sunday evening at my brothers cookout also my right knee feels stiff - not had this feeling before. I am planning to run Monday evening.
This was a pretty good ride. There were a lot of rider. I do not know how many but it seemed like 600 or more to me. The start was a mass start for both distances. We rode is a very large group riding out of town. While still in town we were going down a hill at about 30 mph in a very large group. There are usually a number of inexperienced cyclist at these rides and I was thinking if someone does something wrong this could be a bad thing but nothing happened. It took a while for the crowd to thin out there were a fair number of other riders around until the first rest stop then it thinned out a good bit when the two routes split. The first and last rest stop were fine not really great but they had snacks including fruit and PB&J. They also had iced water and some sort of electrolyte drink. The middle rest stop was terrible - it did not seem to be part of the same event. They did have water but no ice, no electrolyte drink, no fruit and the only snack was what looked like boxes of cereal. I asked about the drink and ice and was told they did not have any and were told to get some themselves. Ecexpt for the pot-a-potties this stop was a waste of time. The area after the ride was nice the watermelon was good and cold and they hard Diet-Dew. After this I went to Geof''s home for some food - it was very nice and the food was good.
Bryan and I rode there together and after I took him home I showered and relaxed. Later I went to my brothers cookout - it was real great. Jim had some of his friends there and Laura also had about six friends there. Everyone seemed to have a good time and Jim was very happy - it was very nice to see.
All in all a very nice 4th of July weekend.
Firecracker 100 at Garmin Connect - Details
A few pictures I shot before the ride.
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