Good ride - had some tush pain but found that tightening the seat fixed this. Was hotter than I though it would be - emptied the Camelbak tonight. I have never emptied my Camelbak at Greenfield before - I did have more water in the van so I was OK. I got and installed the Knee Savers before I rode - had to adjust the fairing and pedal cleats. The right sandal still needs some adjustment but it was still better than it had been much less problem and pain. I have been having a little trouble with the trike feeling different and is some small ways not being as comfortable - this has been confusing to me but I may have some idea about what is going on. I am still very fat but I am almost 95 pound less fat and I am thinking I may not have the padding I am use to having - the trike is not the only thing that is feeling different. If this is what is happening it is a problem I had not anticipated.
Time: | 01:22:34 |
Distance: | 24.03 mi |
Elevation Gain: | 712 ft |
Calories: | 769 C |
Avg Temperature: | 92.3 °F |
Ride of my Greenfield Brick at Garmin Connect - Details
Was pretty hot but I still enjoyed it and had a good run. My right Achilles which has been hurting was much better and I had planned on running 2 miles but after about three quarters of a mile it started to suggest that I might want to cut it short - I took it's advice. It is hurting a little but not bad and it is about to get RICE, I have decided that Ice is Nice. Want to do the 2 miles but think I did the right thing. Everthing else is doing great - I know I am not going very fast and that when I get to going faster I may have problems I am not having now due to the additional stress that I assume more speed would create. The run feltgood and my walking pace was better, running pace was good also just want to go faster but need to get tougher first. I have not walked at all this week before work or at lunch. I will just have to wait and see how I feel Wednesday especially since I am not exercising that evening unless I decide to run after dinner with Dad.
The Forerunner 405cx seemed to function normally but it had 86% power when I started but when I checked it before I download its data it said it has 0% but was still working - it is going back.
Time: | 00:22:40 |
Distance: | 1.07 mi |
Elevation Gain: | 68 ft |
Calories: | 362 C |
Run part of my Greenfield brick at Garmin Connect - Details
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