Friday, March 26, 2010

SlowSpokes Thursday night ride - leading the slower group.

From my forum post -

A real nice ride - I lead the slower group this week - there were three of us - one completely new to SlowSpokes - welcome, one on her second ride and an old roadie riding with a friend. We got a bit farther this week than last week and everyone did well and seemed to have a good time.

My GPS data is HERE

Not much else to add - turtle preformed beautifully but is was pretty slow I still needed the Bionx to keep up but was able to run it on its lowest assist level without any problem. I was too slow for me to get my heart rate up so not much of a workout but better than sitting in the recliner and I had a lot of fun with everyone. Nice folks.

1 comment:

Rierson Photography said...

Actually Ashby, there were 4 of us. Don't forget to count yourself! I do believe that's the first time anybody's called me "an old roadie." ;-) Thanks!