Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Morning Swim

Good swim - I was feeling well and enjoyed my swim - I could have swim more but I ran out of time - I need to try to get there earlier - I am trying to swim as fast as I can - having some minor soreness in my shoulders but that is expected - I will get Jessica to look at it next week - blood pressure 155/80 49 sugar 98 - weight up a bit -

Time: 00:55:49
Distance: 0.62 mi
Calories: 550 C

283.1 lbs
Body Fat
17.7 %
Body Water
54.2 %
Bone Mass
11.2 lbs
Muscle Mass
221.9 lbs
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
17 years
Daily Caloric Intake
6,746 C

Thursday Morning Swim

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