Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Arms, Upper Body and Core Worlout

Good workout - felt good and do seem to be making progress some of the routines seem easier and I am doing 12 of more reps so I will add weight soon - also I do seem to be building some muscle if I am not deceiving myself but I do think I am seeing some changes and some part seem to feel differently - blood sugar 78 pressure 153/82 47 - weight is down slightly - I seem to be losing weight while running less - I am not sure if this is true but I may experiment with this after my next two races - I have the pool available maybe I will start swimming on Tuesday and Thursday mornings I know it is also an endurance activity but it will be different from running -

Time: 00:47:53
Distance: 0.80 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Calories: 331 C

278.8 lbs
Body Fat
22.6 %
Body Water
51.5 %
Bone Mass
10.4 lbs
Muscle Mass
205.4 lbs
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
34 years
Daily Caloric Intake
6,216 C

Friday Arms, Upper Body and Core Worlout

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