Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday 5K before the running clinic

Good run - no problem no pain just another session at the track before the Running Clinic - I felt good and was running well but my legs felt heavy and did not think I was running very fast but my number were better than I thought - I had only planned to run 3 or so mile stop at least 15 minutes before the clinic - blood sugar 97 pressure 152/81 53 - weight is up a tiny bit fat % is down slightly -

Time: 00:50:51
Distance: 3.29 mi
Elevation Gain: 278 ft
Calories: 813 C
Avg Temperature: 46.2 °F

288.4 lbs
Body Fat
22.6 %
Body Water
51.7 %
Bone Mass
10.8 lbs
Muscle Mass
212.5 lbs
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
32 years
Daily Caloric Intake
6,468 C

Saturday 5K before running clinic

My Pictures are HERE

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