Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tapir Time - Saturday Run in Umstead

Really good run - met Bert, Meri, Jon, Emily, Mickey, Barbra, Leslie, Geo, Lesley and a few others there were about a dozen of use a real nice group since the weather was not perfect - it was a bit gloomy and cool - Bert, Geo and I ran together most of the run - we did 1:1 intervals I was running very well especially since just did and Half last Sunday - blood sugar 89 pressure 160/84 52 -

Time: 02:01:48
Distance: 7.10 mi
Elevation Gain: 652 ft
Calories: 1,436 C
Avg Temperature: 44.4 °F

280.3 lbs
Body Fat
16.6 %
Body Water
54.8 %
Bone Mass
11.3 lbs
Muscle Mass
222.5 lbs
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
14 years
Daily Caloric Intake
6,757 C

Tapir Time - Saturday Run in Umstead

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