Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday Legs and Core

OK first leg workout in the bank - I did well some knee pain but no problems - using the machines I did three set of 10 of Squats, Presses, Extension, and Curls then 100 Abs and Back Extension - I am surprised but I am enjoying the lifting again - it was cool watch the muscles move under my skin while I was doing the extensions - my weight is up again - I am eating correctly not enough if anything I just do not understand - blood sugar was 104 this morning still high but better - I got a blood pressure monitor Dad loaned it to me - the number this morning were 156/75 57 not as low as I was hopping for just waking up but at least now I can watch it and decide when I was to try reducing my meds -

Time: 01:36:52
Distance: 0.00 mi
Calories: 410 C

304.9 lbs
Body Fat
22.9 %
Body Water
51.9 %
Bone Mass
11.3 lbs
Muscle Mass
223.6 lbs
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
30 years
Daily Caloric Intake
6,882 C

Wednesday Legs and Core Workout

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